Megan, 2 yrs old

Megan, 2 yrs old

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sad yet happy day for us

I'm hoping this will be therapeutic for me, but bear with me if I get sappy.

Today is a day that I've agonized over for months now.  When I agreed to breed Megan, I had planned on keeping a boy to give Megan a playmate.
   Who am I kidding... there has always been a soft spot for those big ol' boys.         I guess I still miss my lovable lug Chopper.  He was as sweet as he was big.
But I digress.....
    Little "Mr RedMan" stole my heart (and Jenny's) from the time he was born.  Then when I saw what a gorgeous, handsome head he had...omg...He is honestly the best looking puppy I've ever seen.  Actually, there wasn't a bad looking one in the bunch!  But he was always special to me.  He was MY BOY.

     The more he grew, the more attached I've become.  And he couldn't have made it any easier because he is SUCH a GOOD puppy!!  No kidding, he loved to learn and was never a problem.  Like most good German Shepherds, he lives to make his people happy.

    Segway to "his people"...yes...he has new people.  It was after CONSIDERABLE deliberation on my part as to whether I was keeping him or not.  I knew I just couldn't give him everything he needed in life.  He should have more than his mommy and my back yard.  My back & arthritic body just wasn't going to get miraculously any better.  Jenny told me today (after he left and I was SOBBING!) ... "Mom, you love him enough to let him go."
                        OK so much for the therapeutic benefit.  :(

So, I decided to take my chances and run an ad in the paper.  I was hesitant because I really wasn't looking forward to vetting everyone who asked about him.
And believe me, I was prepared to ask them a LOT of questions!  Too bad, if you weren't willing to be honest with me, I figured there was someone out there that would.
Lo' and behold...and I SWEAR to you this was nothing short of divine intervention (again!)...the very first email I got was from Joyce. 
 Not only was she & Gary everything I was looking for in a home for Baron, but they've owned Shepherds that have lived forever!  14 yrs for a GSD is a LONG life and you know she had to have done a lot right to have them live that long.  Anything past 10 is a bonus, and I've only had mine live to 13. 

     Now here's the best part!!  They have agreed to let him come back & play with Megan so I get all the benefits of being a Gwamma then I get to send him home. :)  He just went home with them today and I can hardly wait to hear how he did and I am SO looking forward to seeing him soon.

Of course I have lots of pictures to show you!  AND a video of Megan & Baron "face fighting"  
German Shepherds are the only dogs I've ever seen do this.
  Click here to see a short video clip...

This was from the other day. 

OMG can you believe THAT FACE??!!   aaaaaaaaawwwww

His ears have never gone "wacky" like most of them do. They went up and haven't come down!   I call this the teepee head look.  Looks like I glued them together, doesn't it?  I swear I didn't.

 ANNOUNCING BARON'S NEW FAMILY (minus the mama dog!)
            And to top it off...I just got a call from Joyce GOD LOVE 'ER!!  I have just been an emotional wreck today... sad, happy, drained, did I say sad? 
So when I heard from her I was MUCH better!  Of course I was worried about how he did today!  Did she remember that he gets food this afternoon?  Did he get sick in the car?  I know, I just like to worry don't I?  Jenny says that's WHAT I DO.  There might be a little truth to that.
    Now that I've unplugged all 3 of the baby monitors, washed his bowl, picked up most of the toys, put my desk garbage can back down on the floor (!), moved his crate out of the kitchen, the sad reality is that I don't HAVE to worry about "the babies" anymore.  I can actually sleep past 7 tomorrow :)  I won't know how to act.  I feel like I just got let go from a 24/7 full time job that I loved. 
    Yes, it has been a lot of work and I haven't done it alone. Again, THANKS SO MUCH to Jenny, Naomi, "St. Dianna"
  But now I can relax and know that all my babies are in great homes. 
I mean that...I feel really good about ALL the puppies.  Like I said before, you are pretty special people
Baron is having a blast enjoying his new home and big back yard.  I bet he'll sleep like the baby he is  :) 
                 He promised me he'd never forget me  ;)
                                                                                        I love you baby boy 


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